
Obedience is Part of Love

Obedience is a key part of our relationship with God. We cannot say we love God if we disobey His instructions and go against His guidance on a daily basis. That isn't love. That is rebellion. When we obey God, we are showing Him that we have submitted to His will and we have put our total trust in Him. Try and imagine if you were in a relationship with someone who was always doing the opposite of whatever you would ask them to do. You'd start to doubt them whenever they express their love for you, right? Fortunately for us, God doesn't think the way we do. He loves us when we are faithful. He loves us when we are not.

This, however, should not serve as a reason to continue being disobedient. If you truly love someone then you will want to show them that you value their guidance - not just with your words but with your actions as well. Love is expressed in words and actions. They should be expressed equally. If you say that you love God, you have to express it in everything you do.

There are blessings that come with being obedient. It's just a natural way of things rolling out. When you are obedient to the will of God, you prevent yourself from encountering potentially dangerous situations, and you find yourself walking on favorable paths. Blessings are inevitable when you remain on the favorable paths that God guides you on.

When you are obedient to the will of God for your life, it speaks volumes to the people around you. Younger Christians will be encouraged by the example that you choose to set for them. Remember that everything you say and do will serve as a testimony to the people who get to witness your life on a regular basis.
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Kc Cannon
53 months ago
Delicia Williams
53 months ago