There is no greater love than the love that Jesus Christ has for us. Jesus laid down his life for every single person in the world, regardless of who they are or what they have done in their lives. It was not a simple decision for him. The thought of suffering the consequences for the sins of the world was not an easy thought to bear. In the days leading up to His crucifixion, Jesus was troubled by what was to come but this did not stop Him from following through. He wept about it. He wasn't celebrating at the fact that He was about to endure so much pain. But He still chose to go through with it because He believed that we were all worth it.
If you take a look at the world back then, and even at the world now, you would probably think otherwise. Mankind has been riddled with evil since the Fall of Man at the beginning of time. Human beings have turned on God many times. They have hurled curses at Him, doubted His existence, and accused Him of many things. But God never shook in His love for us.
When Jesus, who was God in human form, was on earth He experienced the same thing. But this did not deter Him from what He came to do. He continued to love every person that came His way. Today, Jesus does not view us, the children of God, as servants. He considers us to be his friends. He sees us as more than people who do his bidding. He sees us as people He loves us wholly, completely, and He desires to have a relationship with us. In this relationship He guides us, strengthens us, and instructs us. We reciprocate that love through believing in Him and carrying out His instructions.
It's not much of a task for us when you compare it to what Jesus had to go through. We won't find such love anywhere else but in Him. He loves us completely and there is nothing that will ever make Him change His mind about us. He is for us, now and forever.