
Think before you draw your sword

Physical acts of violence are almost always regrettable actions in the sight of the Lord. In my life, I have been involved in one physical altercation and although my initial intentions have been noble, it is a source of embarrassment that I carry today, more than 20 years later.

One evening I was walking home from school, the same route that I had walked hundreds of times. I turned the corner onto my street when suddenly I saw one of my best friends being grabbed by 4 or 5 other boys. I did not have any idea who these boys were, and my friend, a very big and strong person, was not the type of person that you would want to get in a fight with. I saw him fighting with these boys, so I ran up and tried to help by punching one of the boys that was near the scrum. After a bit of a struggle, the other boys eventually ran off, except for the boy that I had hit. As it turned out, the boy that I had hit was a good friend of my friend. My act of bravery turned out to be an act of sheer stupidity and violence, and luckily nobody was seriously hurt.

Simon Peter’s actions in these verses are also done with seemingly good intentions: he draws his sword, cutting off the high priest’s servant’s ear in defense of Jesus. If you were Peter, how would you have reacted? As a reader of the story, do you think his actions are good? Remember to consider the next verse and also the many instances that Christ tells his followers to turn the other cheek. After cutting off the servant’s ear, Jesus tells Peter to sheath his sword for his destiny has been decided. As was the case with my story, no good came from the violent action of Peter. A man was injured badly, and there are no benefits. Consider these verses the next time you lose your temper or consider physical action.


Lord God Almighty, forgive me for my sins. I have lost my temper and acted violently on my fellow man, impatiently acting under the false notion that my violence was justified. As you have shown us through the example of Jesus Christ, these actions are never justified. I pray that you will help me to work on improving my temper and understanding the negative role of violence in nearly every situation. Amen.
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1 months ago
Zeboria Short
1 months ago
Amen Hallelujah 🙏🏾🦠😷🦠💉🦠🩸🦠❤️‍🩹🦠🙌🏾