
Children, Love Your Parents

As children of God we aren't just called to obey our Father in Heaven. We are called to obey our earthly parents too. Our parents have been placed as our guides, our teachers, and the people we are to submit to.

Parents have the responsibility of raising their children up in the right way - which is the way of the Lord. One way that we express our love of God is in obeying our parents and respecting them.

This can be a little tricky if you are a believer and your parents are not. In such circumstances respect them and still love them. You do not need to treat them harshly or coldly. How will they be ministered to if you are antagonistic towards them? In such circumstance you have to be weary of what you choose to listen to and what you do not listen to. If any of their instructions are not of God, lovingly decline. Just because you and your parents have a difference in beliefs, it does not mean that you need to cut them from your life.

Pray for them, minister to them when you can, and continue to love them. Continue to hope that they will become compelled to give their lives to Christ.

This command is for people who have loving, godly parents. Anyone who has not had the opportunity to have such parents, or have come from abusive homes, can find the love of a father and mother in God. God can heal you of all the pain you have gone through and give you the strength to move on from your terrible experiences. He will also guide you when you have children of your own.

The main essence of this commandment is to love our parents with the love of God. When we do so, we are doing a godly thing.
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joel Santana
34 months ago
Cheryl Rambaran
34 months ago
in Jesus name Amen ✝️